barely birds

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Kamp is over, and I don't quite know how to process it all. After being around the same 80ish people everyday, creating our own reality, making our own memories separate from school, home, family, it is incredibly surreal to be without them all of the sudden. It's the same feeling I had as a kamper, but on an extremely more emotional level. When I first went out there in July, I could not have fathomed the attachment I would make. I have not felt so much joy since I worked in DC and giddily pranced through the hallways of the Capitol- I absolutely fell in love.
I hate change, more than anyone I've ever known, so being in the Durango airport yesterday alone for the first time in six weeks was ridiculously hard. Any words I put together are not sufficient to describe the love I have for the people I worked with or the ties from my heart to theirs. The Lord showed me His love through others in ways I have never experienced. He displayed his constant companionship through a peace I had never before known. He poured out his grace at every turn and in every situation-- the LORD is so good!

"O Israel, hope in the LORD! For with the LORD their is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption" Psalm 130:7

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