barely birds

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Starting over

I'm starting my blog over. I decided to do it because I love to read other people's blogs, and maybe I'll have something that's worth reading one day too.

I have been itching to make something,be crafty, what have you, so I went through the abyss that is my mom's "Loft", aka, All-The-Craft-Supplies-You-Could-Ever-Imagine-Piled-On-Top-Of-Each-Other, pulled out some things, and made what you see below...
The clip was my first try...
And the headband was my second.

I love making them! After reading so many craft/design blogs, I had to do something with all the pent-up creativity building after seeing what other people are doing.

I am getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, but I'm hoping that being on the couch will give me some more crafting time!