Love can hurt. So many times I wish I would put up the walls and cloister behind the mortar of hatred because I would be protected from so much anxiety and pain. Sometimes I do put up those walls, but they always end up crumbling, stones crashing in places I never meant for them to go.
God's love for me is so astounding, the way He will always wait for those walls to come down, yet always be there for me on the other side. He never gives up on me, even when the bricks of hatred, fear, resentment, anxiety build higher and higher-- He is always below, waiting for my castle of sand to crumble, always waiting to pick me up and whisk me away.
If only I would walk outside the walls a little more often and see what silliness I have built my foundation out of, and the gloriousness of the castle just beyond. If only.
This was meant to go somewhere. It makes sense to my midnight mind.